Want to revitalize dry, itchy skin? When you have flaky, itchy, dry skin, you want fast relief. Dry skin can be caused by a number of skin conditions and environmental factors. Here are 5 best natural ways for getting beautiful skin.
Does Washing With Cold Water Cause Dry Skin?
Dry skin is a common problem affecting most people at some point in their lives, but washing with cold water is generally not a contributing factor. Dry skin can be treated with and respond to a variety of treatments, some of which require the attention of a medical professional.
The 9 Best Face Washes for Dry Winter Skin
In the words of Jon Snow, winter is coming—so get your skin-care routine ready with one of these nondrying face washes. Because the only flakes you want to see this season should be falling from the sky, not from your cheeks.
Does Shaving Cause Dry Skin?
Shaving is a form of physical exfoliation. When you shave, you are not only removing the hairs from your legs, but you are also removing the dead cells on the surface of your skin. However, this removal of cells is not stripping the moisture from your skin, nor is it disrupting the epidermis' barrier function. This means the actual shaving isn't drying out the skin.
The 10 Best Moisturizers for Dry Skin
Redness, cake-y makeup, and itching are all the hallmarks of uncomfortably dry skin. If you fall in this camp, you know the struggle too well, which is why it's crucial to find a moisturizer that soothes your face with a salvo of hydration before you step out the door. Here, the moisturizers we love for saving us from daily lizard-skin nightmares.
7 Foods That Help Dry Skin, So You Can Moisturize From The Inside Out
With the changing in seasons and weather often came changes in our skin — and not in a good way. Now that the cold is approaching, many of us will find ourselves with dry, flaky skin. You can lather on all the expensive creams and lotions you want, but luckily you can also take the natural (and cheaper) route by eating foods that help to moisturize your skin.
How to Moisturize Your Skin in the Shower
How you wash, cleanse, and moisturize becomes more important as you get older. Here’s how you should be spending your time in the shower.
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